Name Nook
into the mycorrhiza
plump rhizome
the great rhizome race
the next seed
seed to seed
Board Game Development - IT6
We're borrowing assets from Forbidden Desert, Catan, and Unearth to see if similar mechanics could work for our game.
Questions of this prototype:
How do we privilege growing the rhizome?
How do we show the effort required to grow the rhizome, above ground plant, and seed?
How does using nutrient tiles instead of cards affect gameplay?
2D Assets
Event Deck Cards
Board Tiles
Nutrients Tokens
Player Trillium Tracker
Print. Cut. Press.
We're upgrading from scribbling on index cards to cutting out printed artwork.
And pressing the cutest nutrient tokens.
VR Development
We now have a video to show our underground world. Look up and you see your rhizome. Look back and see your mycorrhizal trail. Nutrients float around waiting to be collected. But watch out for nematodes snaking around and hostile fungi spores.
3D Assets
Cook making increasingly terrifying nematodes and Sam working on a rhizome.